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Dr Alex Concorde

BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) PhD MSc(FPsych) MBA CMgr FCIM

    • Harley Street, London, W1
    • Liverpool, UK L1
    • Belfast, NI, UK, BT1
    • Globally online, since 2001

    The Future of Medicine

    Happening here, happening now...

    XLII®-Paradigm Precision Medicine



    Here you will find a New Paradigm of Medicine in which we approach your challenges in an entirely new way, using globally-unique Intellectual Property called XLII®, based on 30+ years of pioneering R&D.

    We've developed a suite of ground-breaking progressions combining new diagnostic logic (working out the critical composition & configuration of targets) & interventional logic (how to go about targeting them), with unique 'deployment' parameters (what to use, how to use it) & clinical rationale (when & why), & a revolutionary new capability to use science, & any science, even if published only last week.

    That may not hit you hard until you pause to realise that just in terms of the science we can use, that puts us 20-70 years ahead of the curve. An extraordinary wealth of research at our fingertips, and able to use it, because we have pioneered an exceptional system for using new science, or any science, clinically, right now.

    Our advancements make it possible to identify 'targets' & design complexity-modelled 'individual solutions' de novoA brand new solution envisaged & engineered precisely for you.

    Which of course means that if the solution to your challenges has thus far proven elusive, that is exactly what you need - extra medicine from the leading edge, now science, all science, precisely engineered to be specifically yours.


    We can comprehensively identify novel candidate targets possibly relevant to your own challenges, on a case-by-case basis - across all physiological systems, cellular components, biological processes and molecular mechanisms.

    And we can create a map not only of your genes, and your genomics, but also the genetic determinants of your own disease process. Not just, say, 20 as found in an NGS assay, but up to 200,000 variants known to be relevant & for which the 'why' of the relevance is usually already known.

    And we can determine not only what genes, but how those genes are behaving right now, this week, in your own body - discovering whether they are active or inactive, up- or down-regulated for you.

    In so doing, we can set about creating a sort of 'hit-list' unique to you... test its salience for you, and from there compile the precise system & sequence most likely to create maximal impact for you depending on literally up to hundreds of thousands of individual parameters.



    It's not one thing. It's a STACK of innovations - with each layer of our work markedly unique, then layer upon layer of uniqueness combining in so many ways, plus using up-to-the-minute scientific & clinical biology at each level from many angles.

    At the point of care, everything is multiple: multiple targets, also multi-layered, multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, multiple-ly nuanced, many multiples of compounds.

    But: your Patient Management Protocol will be unique to you. Nobody will have anything remotely like it, probably ever. And what's more, it's dynamic. It will keep changing to keep pace with your progressions & your individual factors (like what mainstream drugs you are on).

    It all results in BOTH Precision Medicine & Personalisation in medicine, each at a level & of a type that is currently unmatched, & then together providing a paradigm not yet otherwise conceived.



    Unsurprisingly we design protocols with several therapeutic modalities. However the backbone for delivery on the output of our detective work for your exact specification is our complexity modelled 'TINCCs'.

    We deploy hundreds or thousands of Target-Identified Natural Compound Constituents,
    configured as TINC™ Clusters (TINCCs™).

    With the intention of tackling the exact infrastructure and modus operandi of your very own disease*.


    WHO FOR:

    What all this means is that we tend to work with individuals with intransigent, complex, serious, or life-threatening illness.

    Many of our patients will have been round the houses, desperate to achieve their desired aims / frantic to stop the snowballing, having often sought several opinions from an array of doctors whose opinions won't conflict because their standard of care protocols are exactly that, standard & invariant, therefore their expectations will also not vary,  and sometimes including recourse to Functional or Naturopathic Medicine.

    Is it Functional Medicine? Naturopathic Medicine?

    Please note that our work dramatically subsumes what we value of FM & NM; neither bears more than a passing resemblance to XLII® Medicine, other than in being non-pharma - an analogy being the difference between 'painting by numbers', & the required combination of 'artistry, engineering, & radical invention' envisaged & called upon by Da Vinci in an inexhaustible quest for dramatically new outputs, yet both systems perhaps using paint.


    Is it Mainstream Medicine? Does it replace it?

    We work beyond mainstream medicine, only ever in conjunction with your own doctors, & as we don't cover mainstream medicine, we most certainly do not claim or seek to replace it. We will not work with you against any advice of your main doctors. However in our own work, we look to find individual avenues not within the standard paradigm of medicine.

    If you are looking for doctors who practice in accordance with the standard paradigm of medicine, then please find trained specialists in mainstream medicine. We are NOT that sort of doctor, & don't pretend to be.

    Therefore, for example, although Dr Alex Concorde is a fully trained Medical Doctor, & works with many cancer patients, she has not trained as an oncologist, which is many years of gruelling training which results in a doctor offering mainstream oncological options. Dr Alex doesn't cover off those crucially important options, she covers XLII® options, which are our own specialism in cancer, not 'standard of care oncology' options. Therefore she works alongside 'mainstream doctors specialising in oncology' ('oncologists').



    Please don't ask us to tell you exactly what we will achieve or that we will for certain achieve our treatment aims.

    Obviously we know how well the system works for each of multiple individuals, but as we are saying each individual in our system is utterly unique, we will not be drawn into making comparisons across individuals, even if with the same named disease, as we cannot & will not make any claims until we have conducted clinical trials.

    Which we can't yet do because a new modus of clinical trial is required for a new paradigm of medicine.


    Clinical Trials:

    Currently trials are based on the old (existing) paradigm, which is increasingly defunct (as accepted in mainstream medicine), in the new age of precision. When there is an accepted format for clinical trials using multiples of precisely-targeted entities, we will be delighted. For now, we will therefore only accept you on an R&D basis.

    Progression Validation Protocols:

    We can though validate your progression on an individual basis using our unique unflinching PVPs. We will know your baseline when you become a patient with us - functionally & clinically, but also through objective scans & clinical tests, all of which are monitored and repeat-conducted.

    We know what your targets are. We know what we are deploying. We can & will demonstrate, using standard testing processes, what has been achieved for you, correlating targets with progressions. And we can extend all the way to demonstrating, if applicable, how even your target genes are behaving, if you so wish.



    Similarly, please don't imagine that you will find our work featured in standard publications - because it isn't standard, it is wholly different, so there is currently nowhere for it to 'fit'.

    It's also doesn't fit within publication structures because it's extremely complex. The work for each patient is like 1-20 PhD theses. But even if it did, it's proprietary.


    Determine, task us with, & verify using your own criteria:

    So how can you verify if this is authentic? You can determine if it makes sense. You can do a search of all the science known about your disease & work out how little of it is being used 'on' & 'for' you right now.

    You can email us to see what we have to say about your own presentation & whether that seems 'right' to you.

    You can start working with us, see what happens, knowing you can stop at any time, finding out for yourself 'befores' & 'afters', clinically & in terms of objective testing along the way.

    We want you to test the system! We want you to have the courage of your convictions, yes, to get started, but only in an educated & discerning way. And to- keep an open mind until you are fully convinced.

    Also we have every reason not to take patients who we are not 100% sure we can help - if there isn't the science, if the science is poor for their problem. We have a lot of pressure on places, so you can be sure we will only take people for whom we can see a clear trajectory.

    And we don't actively market our services, yet we are fully booked very much of the time. Put differently almost all our patients are word-of-mouth referrals, & there is a reason for that. To be clear our patients are not 'desperate' people, lunging towards us in hope, but usually very highly-educated, rightly-demanding & ultra-discerning individuals who are smart enough to have worked out that there must be someone who can use all this science - like a detective doctor. We not only welcome their probing questions, but conversely, refuse enquiries where it isn't clear to us that the individual has been thoughtful enough.


    We only seek to provide in-depth individual solutions true to our own paradigm, which capitalise on everything science, our profound capability to generate treatment-target maps, & our ability, developed over 30 years,
    to use compounds that already exist to multiple-ly target the exact constitution of your very own disease.

    We always want to use what we have learnt - so if you are looking for a relatively elementary or cursory option for your own challenges, that can be provided by a different professional, we would respectfully steer you towards trying out / seeking professional services from elsewhere.

    And if you want what you've pretty much already got, or a small iteration thereof - even if you're at an impasse, at a cliff edge - this is not what you are looking for. We take people fully engaged in taking our instruction, who are wholeheartedly wanting & willing to learn how as a team we will make this work for them.



    This is not about the micro-particles of 'science dust', that have already become drug options, being re-presented to you in a variety of different guises.

    This is something EXTRAORDINARY that has come about because we have uniquely developed Translational Intelligence R&D called XLII® which enables us to work out from scratch, each time we are faced with a new patient, or a complex or runaway patient problem, your exact targets from all possible targets & processes that science now tells us we need to be using.


    If you are prepared to intelligently (not blindly or naively) believe that there could be something else, radically different, which is absolutely faithful to mainstream peer-reviewed science, using inordinate amounts of bang up-to-date yet traditionally-determined science, revolutionised in value & leverage by how extensively, multi-specifically, & individually it is worked... then you're in the right place!

    Awesome, Easy to setup, if not I suggest you to go in the Help section (inside the plugin itself) to find a good video that explain you how to setup your reviews. Good job, thank you!

    Jevon AuerJevon AuerAssistant

    I’m thinking of taking computer classes and wanted to get a head start before beginning so I’m not lost when I start. I was looking for some sort of book that wasn’t written for computer geniuses so I could actually understand what I was reading.

    Nilon ParkorNilon ParkorManaging Director

    Awesome, Easy to setup, if not I suggest you to go in the Help section (inside the plugin itself) to find a good video that explain you how to setup your reviews. Good job, thank you!

    kevin peterkevin peterCTO at company

    Linked Clinic:


    Dr Alex Concorde - Strategic Innovator in Medicine & Psychology since 2001:

    UPMedicine Translational Intelligence - Co-Founder

    Winners of 2023-2024 UK-wide award for Leadership in Translational Medicine.

    Medical Director, Childhood Cancer Research Trust

    Developing new near-term possibilities for children with cancer, based on Dr Alex's ARC Thesis® & seminal work using TINCCs Protocols in Paraoncology®.





    British Innovator in Science & Medicine

    Sole Medical Doctor honoured by H.M. The Late Queen Elizabeth II to attend a one-off event at Buckingham Palace for British Innovators in Science & Medicine.

    Medical Practitioner Of The Year 2021-2022 (Holistic)

    For South of England AND Northern Ireland

    Top 50 Health Guru

    Practitioner Of The Year (Today’s Therapist)

    'The Future...'

    Dr Alex Concorde

    • GMC & GNC Registered
    • Fellow, The Royal Society of Medicine
      Chartered Fellow, Chartered Manager Institute
      International Member, American Association of Physician Leaders
      Member, Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management
    • Professional Member, Society for Functional Precision Medicine
      Member, International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers
      Member, European Association for Cancer Research
      Member, The British Society for Ecological Medicine
    • Associate Member, Faculty of Public Health
      Associate Member, European Faculty of Public Health
      Affiliate Member, Royal College of Pathologists
    • Note: While Professional Memberships may require professional qualifications and/or immersion within a specialized scientific or medical context, they are not themselves certifications or qualifications. Rather they represent organizations Dr. Alex values and considers important for guidance, engagement, learning and professional growth.

    Incorporated in 2001 in England & Wales, Company Number 04200053

    Red Lion Yard, Odd Down, Bath, BA2 2PP

    © dr alex concorde - All Rights Reserved